Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Was a person's life path determined before they were born? Is it today? Or can a man change his stars as the clip suggest?

OK! I finally fixed my blogger account after catching a few bugs on my computers and messaging to which took me about 2 hours straight to sort out.

       So continuing the blog the "Big Question" asks that was a person's life path determined before they were born? Is it today? Or can a man change his stars as the clip suggest? I'm not good at giving example's but what my personal opinion thinks that it is possible by all means where you can be anything you want to be as long you prove yourself to be so. The world is a huge place, frankly speaking with so many opportunities that can come in life and that we should be able to choose our fate in this world is a necessary thing. Saying that other people says that you must become a certain role in life is just plain inexcusable by all means saying this. I wouldn't want to be anything that was forced upon me but in life we are just innocent beings imprisoned by fate and the social unjust. When I say the unjust im saying that the unfaithful are thinking whats best for that person, thinking that it is impossible for him/her to rise up to what they want to become.

         Of course anyone can be what they want to be, but when you put thought into this, the idea is somewhat plain preposterous. Life hasn't made us have an easy task of becoming what we want to be, where we have to at least have to pass some confrontations in life. Where to be able to reach your goal you must be worthy of it. You can't become a hockey player because you wanted to that's absurd, You can't have a  master-class profession while you lie down on your bum reading this post because you think this is motivation. You know what? If you're reading this it's best that you start working now and get of the chips and not be a total loafer that  can't do anything. Go learn something about what you want to be. so how about you do whats required of you to become what you're dream is because if you lay on the couch and eat chips I can 100% guarantee you that that dream is still a dream.

        So basically what I was saying was that you need be make yourself capable to be able to do such thing or else you're just wasting time your self thinking that anything is possible just by using old spice... So in conclusion of this stolid blog that personally I think is completely profound and pointless that I think that doing a forum would be better, thus humans are capable of doing extraordinary things in this world were all rooted down to some block-head using stones as wheels. That's right you heard me, Just because your some sort of god-like genius doesn't mean that you are smarter in logic or idealism because the other guy believes and tries to become what he wants to be. Thus I end this blog with this sentence... 
... ░▄▀▒▄▄▄▒░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░░█
You Mad?? That I didn't post for the last few days???


  1. I liked most of it, I think it was very informative and descriptive. However, I think that you should add more proof and connections from your own life's past experience, it will make the blog much more convincing. Also, I would like to know what influences one's path, what makes a person become who he or she is?

    Overall, very nice work Brandon H.
    -David L.

  2. Brandon,

    I agree with you on the fact that hard work and persistence does make a difference.

    But I would like to point out that "eating chips and sitting on a couch", pretty much doing nothing, is what nobles did in medieval times to gain nobility.

    I think it would be better if you addressed the parts pertaining to the past as well.

    But overall, good job on your optimistic projection on life.
