Thursday, 27 October 2011

The Big Questions

Q: Why did Peter join the actors?
- It is better to avoid "why" questions because those type of questions usually have exact answers that could be found in the text. It doesn't allow you to expand and make connections in real life. Also, I think the phrasing could be better if it was "Why did Peter become an actor"? or "Why did Peter join and take part in the theater acts?"

Q: Should the lower class people, such as Peter, be subject to the same right as the aristocracy, such as Sir. Philip?
- What kind of rights does an aristocracy have? What's the difference between a lower class person and an aristocracy? What are their differences in rights? This question might be too vague and broad.

Q: Can a person be a hero without being important?
- This question is too vague and general. It doesn't necessary relate to the chapters #1-10. The person should explain and give examples of who and why this question relates to the novel.

Q: Why did Peter throw the rock?
- This question should be more specific. What rock is the question referring to? and whom did Peter throw it at? Also, it is considered an "RT" question which could be answered directly from text.

Q: Do you think is Sir Philip Caught Peter, would he be part of his plans to kill Queen Elizabeth?
- First of all, i think the question has some grammar and spelling mistakes, for instance, it would be more suitable to put "if" instead of "is". Also, who is "he" referring to? The question should be written more clearly.

1 comment:

  1. Good evening fellow scholar,

    Forgive me for my late response. I have been kept really busy.

    I liked how you corrected grammatical errors.Absolutely necessary to learn proper grammar and spelling.

    I also liked how you were pointing out that the questions are too vague and specific, even though one of those questions is mine.

    Overall, a splendid criticism or questions.
