Thursday, 27 October 2011

Fixing Up Questions


1.Do you think it is better to hide a secret to avoid trouble or to tell the truth and risk all you have?

2.Why did Peter throw the rock?

3.Do you think Peter should have thrown the rock at Sir Philip?

4.Can a person be a hero without being important?

5.Why did peter join the actors?

My Response:

1.I am not quite sure that this Question is related to the topic of the story. ( if it does please comment bellow and help me to understand , thanks!) I think it would be better if the person incorporated a part of the story into this question so all of us would understand the question more ! Instead the person could of said, Do you think it would be better for Peter to hide the secret of throwing the rock at Sir Philip, or telling the truth and risking everything Peter has?

2.This question is too simple to answer and doesn't require hard thinking or giving an opinion. Also this question is in the text, so it wouldn't be a challenge to find the answer. In my opinion I think if this person could change the question to make it more challenging would be excellent. I am not quite sure I could give an example to make this question more challenging to be thought out. So, I would change this question and come up with something more interesting, thought-out, and also a type of question that is not only in the text.

3. This question could be simply answered as yes or no. I think it would be better to add something else to this question , so it could sound like this:Do you think Peter should have thrown the rock at Sir Philip? Explain your answer.

4. Like number 1 question. I think this person should say something or add a character from the book into this question. For example; Can Peter be a hero without being important? explain. This would make the person think more about the question, and not just answer with a yes or no.

5. This question could be in the text of the book. I would change it and make it more thought out for the person answering this question. Why did Peter join the actors? Would you do the same?


  1. Hi Marie,
    I think what question #1 is trying say is that how Peter had to run away from Sir. Philip and didn't tell anyone his secret that he is the person Sir Philip is trying to catch. Also, It would make sense if it was Kit hiding her identity as a girl and keeping that secret to herself instead of revealing her true identity to everyone.
    Overall, I liked how you gave examples for some questions and extended the questions to make them better.

  2. Good evening Marie,

    Sorry about commenting this late, I was occupied all Friday and Saturday.

    I would like to just point out how much I enjoyed your critiquing of these questions. I like how you specified why the question is too vague or specific and how you changed the questions to require a bit more thinking.
