Chapter 1:To start off with a small summary of the first chapter of what I learned;Cue Of Treason is read in 1st person by a boy named Peter Brownrigg
s. What I understood in the first chapter was that there was a man named Sir Philip who took over the thrown and started making the village how he wanted it, thinking no one could stop him or would care. (which is not true in some ways) What he did that none of the farmers or the field owners including peters family liked was put a big fence separating the field from a part of the village. Later on in this chapter , Peter being the brave one in my opinion threw a rock at Sir Philip, and he ran away hoping they wouldn’t track him down until Sir Philip and his “group” foun
d Peters green hat with his name on it.
While I was reading this chapter it reminded me of the activity we did in class when we listed people who have the top 10 social/media ! Sir Philip is at the top of the chart, and Peter and the rest are at the middle and threw-out the bottom. At the point where Peter threw the rock at Sir Philip I was screaming with cheer! (In my mind of-course "DUH") I thought Peter was brave because I wouldn't ever do something so disrespectful ( even if i like the fact that he threw the rock at Sir Peter ) and impolite. At the same time i would be scared for my life and i would be working on my "bravery" skills to get to that level.
Chapter 2:Peter goes to school (YAY SCHOOL!)!
And the end of the chapter is Sir Philip on the hunt to catch Peter !
If i was Sir Philip i would want to find Peter so badly ! I'd search everywhere just to lay my hands on this kids collar to give him a piece of my mind and show him how to respect me next time he thinks about throwing a rock at me ! But on the other hand if I was Peter i would be running for my life trying to hide before Sir Philip would chop my head into little bits ! It reminded me of Tom and Jerry, Sir Philip is Tom and Peter is Jerry ! Both are running after each other !

(Tom is Sir Philip and Peter is Jerry hiding from Sir Philip)
To conclude my "blog" I want to read more and see if "Tom" catches "Jerry" ( Sir Philip catches Peter if you didn't understand).
Hi Marie,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I liked how you had brackets that shows your thoughts regarding the story. It makes the post more interesting to read, however, it could be distracting sometimes and carried away from the original content of the post.
Also, in the first paragraph, you mentioned that "Sir Philip took over the thrown". This made me confused as if you were referring to the fact that Sir Philip took over the village meaning he had the thrown of the village? Or you had some other thoughts?
My favourite part was when you made a connection from the story and in real life saying that Peter running away from Sir Philip and Sir Philip chasing after Peter reminded you of the cartoon show "Tom and Jerry".
Overall, nice response and glad that you finally posted!
Good evening fellow scholar,
ReplyDeleteFirst off I believe you meant throne instead of thrown in the passage "there was a man named Sir Philip who took over the thrown".
Secondly, you also stated that it isn't true that no one would care or could stop his actions. I think it would be a lot clearer if you elaborated more on that idea.
Lastly, I really like the comparison on Peter and Sir Phillip to Tom and Jerry. This comparison sparks a thought in my mind that I previously did not have: During their conflict, will both Peter and Sir Phillip get hurt and meet failures, just like Tom always gets his tail hurt and Jerry always gets "cat handled".
Very interesting post, and I look forward to reading more of your posts.